slotcurseofthewerewolf| Shilong Industrial: Received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by Jiangxi Securities Regulatory Bureau, stocks will be subject to other risk warnings

Shilong Industry (002748) Announcementslotcurseofthewerewolf, May 15, 2024slotcurseofthewerewolfThe company received the "Administrative Penalty Decision"[2024] No. 1 issued by the Jiangxi Securities Regulatory Bureau. The company's shares will be suspended for one day from the market opening on May 16, 2024, and will resume trading from the market opening on May 17, 2024. The stock abbreviation was changed from "Shilong Industry (002748)" to "ST Shilong".

slotcurseofthewerewolf| Shilong Industrial: Received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by Jiangxi Securities Regulatory Bureau, stocks will be subject to other risk warnings